Riedon’s Low Ohm Resistors

Sudden current or voltage changes are often hazardous to electronic products. For example, transients or surges that reach microprocessor or memory components can destroy those expensive parts, and wipe out critical programming and data. Many electronic products now...

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Riedon’s Custom Resistors

Flexibility is a key design feature in Riedon resistors, and we structure our manufacturing processes to support this concept. Our goal is to build advanced products that meet your exact requirements, yet complete the process from design to delivery in a minimum time...

Visit Riedon Resistors On Slideshare!

Have you heard about SlideShare? Well its kind of like youtube but its for business PowerPoint presentations. Visit Riedon page here and check out our uploaded PowerPoint presentation. We have two presentations, one on Wirewound technology and the other about what...