Riedon acquired KRL Bantry Components in April of 2019. These are just two new product lines that are now available from Riedon.
HR Series Hermetically Sealed
Ideal for:
- High Stability Instruments
- Resistance Standards
- Metallurgical Equipment
What makes the HR unique?
- Tolerance down to 0.0025%
- TCR down to 1PPM
- Enhanced long term stability to 25PPM over three years
- Based on proven precision wirewound technology
FTS 4 Terminal Current Shunt
Ideal for:
- Aerospace Applications
- Industrial Motor Controls
- DC Power Supplies
What makes the FTS unique?
- Self Supporting Board Mounting
- Resistance values down to 0.0005 ohms
- TCR down to 50PPM
- Tolerances down to 0.5%